Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Exchange SP1: setup previously failed while performing the action Install. You cannot resume setup by performing the action "BuildToBuildUpgrade".

If you are upgrading a CCR environment to Exchange 2007 SP1 from Exchange 2007 RTM and you attempt the /upgradecms and it fails, it'll keep failing with the error:

Setup previously failed while performing the action "Install". You cannot resume setup by performing the action "BuildToBuildUpgrade".

To clear this, you'll need to go into the registry and delete the watermark and/or action:install key located here:

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

BES and Exchange 2007 transition

Before moving any Blackberry Enterprise Server users from 2000 or 2003 over to a 2007 mailbox server make sure BESAdmin is exchange view only admin, then run this

Get-mailboxserver add-adpermission –user BESAdmin -accessrights GenericRead, GenericWrite -extendedrights Send-As, Receive-As, ms-Exch-Store-Admin

(for some reason the pipe doesn't show up after get-mailboxserver on blogger, but you'll need the pipe)

Once successful you can start moving Blackberry users as well as the BESadmin account to 07.

After moving the BESAdmin account you'll need to use the Blackberry server admin tool to point the MAPI profile to Exchange 07 as well as download and install the latest MAPI .dll files. The file info is documented here:

Creating SG's/DB's in Exchange 2007

Because of the path match requirements of CCR and SCR, most paths will not be to the default location. It is much easier to create the SG's and DB's with powershell and specify the path's then to use the GUI (too many clicks). I keep the following in a notepad doc and use find and replace for "executive 2gb" any time i want to create a new SG/DB.

New-StorageGroup -Name "Executive 2GB" -server "mailbox01"-SystemFolderPath "E:\databases\Executive 2GB" -LogFolderPath "E:\logfiles\Executive 2GB"

new-mailboxdatabase -StorageGroup 'mailbox01\Executive 2GB' -Name 'Executive 2GB' -EdbFilePath 'E:\databases\Executive 2GB\Executive 2GB.edb'

Mount-database "Executive 2GB"

Friday, January 4, 2008

OT: Slaves to the Robots Part II

I would like our future Robot overlords to know that i've worked very hard to further technology and i would like a top-notch slave position or a quick and painless death.

OT: Slaves to the Robots

My 2 year old is afraid of any non-living thing that moves. E.G. tickle-me-elmo. I think this is because he somehow knows he is part of the generation that will have to fight down the robots once they become self aware (to which Elmo is very close). If they can't beat the Elmo-led armies of robots, then the terminator movies become a reality...damn.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

HTTP to HTTPS OWA redirect on Exchange 07

With Exchang 07 SP1 having such a lovely and full featured OWA client, our users are using it more regularly, and complaining about having to type in the HTTPS:// for ssl.

To redirect, i set the 404.3 custom error (under custom errors, default website) and pointed it to an HTML file that re-directs. Note that with your users in 03 and 07 you'll want the redirect to go the /exchange directory, 07 only, use the /owa directory.

I'll put an image up with the HTML code.