Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Public Folders and Exchange 07

So SP1 gave us some GUI management, but still no way to set permissions with the gui other than 'send as'. The 2 most common resolutions to this problem are 1. Leave PF's on Exchange 2003, and 2. Suck it up, and deal with it in powershell; here is how:

To modify the permissions of a top level folder to give the user "sally" editor rights and have this permission apply to all sub-folders, execute this command:

get-publicfolder -"\top level folder name" -recurse PIPE add-publicfolderclientpermission -accessrights "editor" -user "sally"

Use the pipe symbol, not the word, for some reason the symbol doesn't show up on blogger.

1 comment:

  1. Hi friends,

    You get the error because you cannot delete a public folder database that contains data. To remove data from a public folder database, delete any unnecessary public folders, and then move the remaining folder replicas in that database to a public folder database on another server. Thanks a lot!
